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Zur Kasse

14 Ergebnisse.

And Breathe

Reading, Suzy
And Breathe
Nurture self-expression and discovery with this beautiful guided journal, one day at a time

CHF 23.90

Sit to Get Fit

Reading, Suzy
Sit to Get Fit
We live increasingly sedentary lives and our lifestyle has radically changed in terms of how we work and naturally move throughout our day. While we all know about the benefits of exercise for mental and physical health, what we're not so attuned to are the damaging effects of just how we sit - at our desks, scrolling on our phones, in the car or even on our bicycles.But it doesn't have to be this way. By making small changes to our everyday s...

CHF 22.90

Die Heilkraft der Selbstfürsorge

Reading, Suzy
Die Heilkraft der Selbstfürsorge
Stress und Erschöpfung, Verlust und Trauer, Veränderung und Übergang - schwierige Zeiten lassen sich besser überstehen, wenn man innerlich stark ist. Suzy Reading gibt einem mit ihrem "Vitalitätsrad" viele Werkzeuge der Selbstfürsorge an die Hand, die in Krisen helfen.Ob Trennung, Abschied von einem bisherigen Lebensabschnitt, Krankheit oder Tod eines Nahestehenden - man lernt, den eigenen Selbstwert und die Resilienz zu stärken, um besser mit...

CHF 23.90

Self-care for Tough Times

Reading, Suzy
Self-care for Tough Times
I hope this book can empower people with simple, potent ways to feel better right now, to access calm and move through the waves of all their emotions.'Practices include: Self-massageTension release exercises for the hands, shoulders, neck and facePre-bedtime rituals to help with disturbed sleep Breathing exercises to calm the nervous systemSoothing scentsKeeping tech use healthyQuestions to reflect onAnxiety, fear, anger and grief are all add...

CHF 22.90

Rivoluzione self care. Un percorso per sentirsi in forma,...

Reading, Suzy
Rivoluzione self care. Un percorso per sentirsi in forma, felici e in pace con se stessi
Prendersi cura di sé in un'epoca in cui ritmi frenetici, ansia e depressione, piccoli o grandi problemi quotidiani connotano la maggior parte delle nostre giornate può sembrare una vera e propria rivoluzione. Ma il "self caring" è anche, secondo una schiera di medici e studiosi sempre più folta, la nuova frontiera della medicina preventiva, quel nutrimento che ci permette di gestire al meglio la fatica e lo stress, migliorando inoltre il nostr...

CHF 31.50

Stand Tall Like a Mountain

Reading, Suzy
Stand Tall Like a Mountain
Stand Tall Like a Mountain is specifically designed to help parents empower their children to:- Learn tools for dealing with everyday emotions- Express how they are feeling- Learn about their bodies and minds in easy-to-read and understandable language - Develop tools for nourishment and coping with challenges- Use easy and fun yoga poses to promote positive feelingsWe teach our children how to brush their teeth and cross the road safely, this...

CHF 23.90

Ab heute sorg ich gut für mich

Reading, Suzy
Ab heute sorg ich gut für mich
Wussten Sie, dass an sich selbst zu denken, gar nicht egoistisch ist? Dass ein gesunder Egoismus ganz im Gegenteil zu seinem schlechten Ruf sogar hilft, unseren Körper und Geist stressresistent zu machen und dabei beispielsweise das Risiko von Burn-Out zu minimieren? "Für sich selbst gut sorgen" ist die Zukunft der vorbeugenden Medizin - tägliche Nahrung, die uns dabei hilft, Krankheit, Müdigkeit, Depression und Angst zu minimieren. Hinter dem...

CHF 21.50